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Contact iSkysoft

We welcome your feedback, suggestions and comments about our products. If you have any questions related to our products or for establishing business relationship with us, do feel free to contact us. Please select a recipient for submitting your message to the right person.


If you have any questions about product license and price, order or account information, email to sales#iskysoft.com(replace # with @)


Questions related to reselling, distributing our products, partnership and advertising opportunities can be sent to biz#iskysoft.com(replace # with @)

Technical support

For any technical related questions, please fill in this online form.
You will receive prompt response from us. If you are not our user, you need to register to get a free account.
Or directly send your feedback and suggestions via support#iskysoft.com(replace # with @)


Want to join our affiliate program? Please write to affiliate#iskysoft.com(replace # with @)

Contact Webmaster

For link exchange request, suggestions and feedbacks about our site, please email to master #iskysoft.com(replace # with @)